Kaspersky - authorized reseller ONE AND CONFIDENTIAL serbian english
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Where the others start with prices, we have stopped long ago, where the others stop with quality, we've just started...


We wish you a kind welcome to our business portal.On these pages we will try to provide you all necessary information about the activities and plans of our company.We will try to inform you regularly about the inovation and advance.Also, we offer you the opportunity to contact us via electronic form and thus make tips, comments, requests or news to our sector and we will be glad to reply.In order to improve our business and understand and answer your requests, we will be very grateful for any given suggestion.We wish you a pleasant stay on our web pages...



     IN-FORMO is in the business of local and international market for over 20 years. During this time we managed to win and justify the trust of more than 300 satisfied customers. To answer the customer's requirements, we have formed 4 (for now) centers in Belgrade, Ljubovija, Novi Sad and Lapovo.The plan is to establish the centers outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Recently, we have incorporated strength and grew into LLC, with the center in Ljubovija.